What is it?
Our Tax Enquiry Fee Protection Service protects against professional fees incurred defending clients during HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) checks whether a client has paid the correct amount of tax or not.
The costs of defence in most reviews carried out by HMRC under the tax legislation are covered, including full and aspect tax enquiries, VAT and PAYE/NIC compliance checks, Business Records Reviews and more. See the ”What does it cover” page for more information.
An additional benefit of subscribing to this service is that support is available on general legal issues and the complex areas of Employment Law and Health & Safety. You will be able to use this free of charge to obtain complementary expert advice on such issues when you need help.
When purchasing a product from our shop you will be first asked to register for an account. Once you have completed our on-line application form and made payment you will be able to log into your account to view your policy documents or product information.